Shibuki (play Guide)
Welcome to a challenging yet simple casual game of raindrops and balance.
Balance your smart phone level in your hand and collect together as many raindrops as you can.
Easy huh? Well possibly, but watch out for the hazards that may be thrown at you and try not to lose your precious droplets off the edges of your screen. These hazzards will evaporate, block or absorb them.
This is a physics based puzzle game of balance. Capture the rain from a passing shower. Hazards of nature and man conspire to stop you from completing each level.
Starting a Game
To start a new game, from the main menu, touch the "Play" button.
It’s All About Balance
Hold your device level with the ground - You are balancing the raindrops. Tilt your device to balance and gather the raindrops together to create a larger drop of water.
The aim of the game is to gather as much water together on the screen as you can.
Whilst you affect all the rain drops, you have best control of the largest rain drop resting on the screen (it's highlighted for you).
Easy huh? Well possibly, but watch out for the hazards that may be thrown at you (including falling off the edges of your screen).
These will lose, evaporate, block or absorb your precious raindrops. The level hazards are listed at the start of each level.
(Progress Readout)
Making Progress (How to Score Big)
You can tell how well you are doing by watching the water level indicator (left) and highlight ring around the largest raindrop. They show a bar for rain yet to fall (blue), amount collected (green) and how much you MUST collect (red) to finish.
The circle around your largest droplet will flash "red" (you need more water), "amber" (close to enough) and "green" (enough collected).
Things Do Dry Out
Water evaporation is a constant challenge.
The readout shows the level of evaporation you'll encounter on this level. The lower the number, the less you'll lose to evaporation.
The level is over when the water on the screen outweighs what is yet to fall (success). Or, there isn't enough water left to fall/collect (failure). Don't worry if you fail, you can always try the level again.
Scoring is continually calculated based on the level of difficulty and the amount of water you save (per level). You can go back and replay a level (see game options) to improve your score.
Quitting a Game
You can quit the or game at any time. Simply select the menu button followed by the “Quit” button. If you are playing a game, the level will be ended (the App will not exit). If you quit when not playing a level, the App will exit.
Game Options
If you select “Options” from the main menu, you’ll be able to adjust aspects of the game. Note that if you select options during a level, the level will be restarted when you leave the options menu.
Varying the Levels and Difficulty
This where you can you use the “Rain and Fate” machine to change level make-up and difficulty. Use the diificulty slider to make the game easier (slide left) or harder (slide right) to play. The harder the difficulty, the greater the bonus and score calculation.
To vary level content, touch the “recycle” button. It will generate new random codes.
You will be asked to confirm the new diificulty or code setting. Selecting OK will reset play.
Audio Settings
These allow you to vary the volume level and ambient (spatial sould) for the game.
Start Level
Use this slider to adjust the level you wish to start from. You can reply levels to try and get a higher score. Remember, your score is the total of all the levels you have successfully completed.
Other Settings
If you want to see the shorter version of these help / game play cards when you start a game, select the “Show Game Help Cards” option (It is set on when you first launch the game after download).
Reset Settings
As suggested, this option resets settings back to their default values (your progress will be lost).
Other Controls
Use the music controls to shuffle, skip and pause the playing track. To change music and sound effect volume levels visit the game options.
There is also a link button if you like what you are hearing from the game and would like to investigate your own copy of the music.